MSME Quality Hub

Unlocking Potential of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

Think-Act-Share Business Habits – Solving Symptoms or Problems?

The Simplest yet Powerful Business Habits Newsletter

Do you quote these answers to any of your business problems frequently,

  • “There’s no money to throw at the problem.”
  • “We don’t have the knowledgeable staff to resolve the issue.”
  • “It’ll take too much time to fix it. We need to keep the business moving.”
  • “OK, I really don’t know HOW to resolve it. Just keep working.”

If so you are having difficulties in differentiating the symptoms and problems.

When a machine stops, When an employee leaves, When a customer send a nasty mail it is a symptom. NOT a problem.

The symptoms need to be accumulated. It means when you have a headache frequently you may likely to have anxiety before the headache or a good night sleep is missed for few days. Using this principle you can validate the symptoms with other symptoms that arises out of it. Solving headache and anxiety with temporary actions do not solve the pain permanently. Realizing there is a underlying problem for all these symptoms need to be identified is the first step towards solving the problem.

When a machine stops, there are likely symptoms co-exists that the machine is missed with frequent maintenance, change in operators without proper training etc. Mapping all these symptoms associated with this, will help us to solve the problem permanently.

Do you have symptoms or problems?

Still have questions? Write to me…

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it!” – Albert Einstein

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The Simplest yet Powerful Business Habits Newsletter

Each Week, I Share 3 Successful Business Habits - One for Thinking, One for Action, and One for Sharing.

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